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St Arnaud Silo and Art Trail

Contact St Arnaud Silo and Art Trail

  • Pin 3 McMahon Street, Saint Arnaud, 3478, Australia

Take a scenic tour of St Arnaud and enjoy the trail of wall murals and the spectacular Silo Art by local artist Kyle Torney.

Kyle is known for his style of 'narrative portraiture' where he uses images of people to tell a story.

The crowning glory of the trail is the silo piece titled 'Hope'. The mural is so large it spans two silos and illustrates St Arnaud's gold mining history. The design was chosen in collaboration with residents of the town.

There are nine locations of public art to enjoy around the town of St Arnaud.

1. Loss Hamilton Mural - 36 Alma St, St Arnaud

2. Torney's Fighting Fit Gym - Cnr Alma & McMahon St

3. Andrea Hicks Mural - 117 Napier St (Side of wall)

4. CFA Mural - Cnr Napier & Alma St

5. St Arnaud Primary School - Charlton Rd.

(Please observe from the road. Do not enter school grounds)

6. The Royal Hotel - 60 Napier St.

Located inside the hotel dining rooms and beer garden. A great stop for a

coffee or a bite to eat.

7. The Miner Mural - 22 Kings Avenue

8. Os 'Sandy' Sanderson & Matt 'Matty' Batters - Cnr Wills St & 16 Kings Ave.

9. Ron Reyne Mural - 14 McMahon St (Opposite the 'Hope' Silo Mural

10. The 'Hope' Silo - McMahon St, St Arnaud
