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Summer adventure with Absolute Outdoors

Summer is a wonderful time of year to enjoy the great outdoors in the Grampians.

Trike Tours

Guided tours in the Grampians

From scenic helicopter flights and intimate wine tours to exhilarating trike tours and adventure activities, discover what makes our region so unique.

Walkers Grampians

Best day hikes in the Grampians

Take your pick from this selection of day hikes which vary in difficulty and distance, ranging from under an hour to a full day.

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What’s on in the Grampians this summer

Here’s a list of events, deals and offers to experience on your Grampians getaway this summer.

Kayak Lake Wartook Adventure 2015

10 reasons to visit the Grampians this summer

This summer, broaden your horizons and embrace the wide open spaces of the Grampians. To help plan your Grampians getaway, here are 10 places and experiences to tick off the list.

Green Lake 1

Discover hidden lakes and waterfalls this summer in the Grampians

Take the road less travelled this summer and be refreshed and inspired by the pristine lakes and majestic waterfalls dotted across the rugged Grampians region.

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