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Silverband Lodge

Contact Silverband Lodge

Silverband Lodge (formerly UC Camping’s Norval Lodge and Norval House) is one of Victoria’s best school camp, group accommodation and outdoor recreation venues.

Located in the heart of Halls Gap, and set against the spectacular landscape of the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park, Silverband Lodge is the perfect base for your school camp and large group stay.

Every day the team are excited to create life long memories for hundreds of people – be it via the joy of school camp, the thrill of outdoor adventure, or connections made when gathering with family, friends and community for a group stay.

Under new management from Dec 2023, and now a sibling venue to the award-winning Cave Hill Creek, they look forward to building on the many years of work by dedicated UC Camping staff and volunteers.

Nestled on 47 acres of bushland flush with native flora and fauna, at Silverband Lodge you have access to the vast trails and natural wonders of the National Park whilst enjoying convenient access to the facilities and services on offer in Halls Gap.

In addition to school camps and journey-based programs, Silverband Lodge is the perfect weekend or school holiday group accommodation venue for your bushwalking club, youth group, family gathering, faith community event, church group, music camp, craft retreat, sporting club get-together, corporate or business retreat.



