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Petschel House Hamilton

Contact Petschel House Hamilton

Eltham born, Jenni began formal painting as a child under Leslie Sinclair at Montsalvat. She has a masters of Visual Art from Monash University and has exhibited widely nationally and internationally. She has painted in the Australian Desert and sailed as artist-in-residence with the Aust. Antarctic Division to Antarctica, later The Arctic and Norway. Recent painting trips include Mongolia and Dili Timor Leste.

Petschel House studios and gallery are set on 14 acres of gardens with a lake, orchard and alpaca paddocks. The original bluestone house was built circa 1856 by the Rentsch and Petschel families.

Private and small group classes and workshops also available where students are encouraged 'to see with the artists' eye' and paint from observation to develop an understanding of tone and colour while learning techniques to help in their personal artistic explorations of techniques and style.
