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Experience the Grampians

Contact Experience the Grampians

With Experience the Grampians/Gariwerd you can explore the Grampians national park, vineyards and surroundings from above and below.

Choose your form of travel: walk, ride, or fly. Local business, local people and local knowledge. Experiencing the Grampians on either: Halls Gap history walking tour, Guided NP tour, Wine (and beer) tour, Chocolate and Wine experience, Helicopter flights, Drop off/pick up on the Grampians Peaks Trail, Silo Art Tour, Special seasonal experiences plus charter, private and custom walks, tours and flights all available.

You receive personal service from experienced and passionate tour guides to make each experience fun informative and interesting.

Departing the heart of the Grampians from Halls Gap, plus the townships of Pomonal, and all flights departing from our private off grid purpose built departure terminal in Stawell.
