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Dunkeld and Grampians Visitor Information Centre

Contact Dunkeld and Grampians Visitor Information Centre

At the foot of Wurgarri (Mount Sturgeon), the southern tip of Gariwerd (Grampians) and the Great Dividing Range you will find the booming little town of Dunkeld and the Dunkeld and Grampians Visitor Information Centre.

Dunkeld was named after a town in the Scottish Grampians and has enjoyed a stellar revival in the last 15 years.

You will find an Arboretum at the end of a pleasant walk along the small creek through town or for the more vigorous visitor, a hike up Wurgarri (Mount Sturgeon), Mud-dadjug (Mount Abrupt) or the Bainggug (Piccaninny) will provide great views of the entire Southern Grampians Range.

Dunkeld has a fascinating history documented at the Dunkeld Museum, a must-visit for anyone coming to the town.

Dunkeld is quite simply spoilt with accommodation options. From the community Caravan Park to the ultra-modern eco-Lodges, traditional Bed and Breakfast to log cabins. It is no wonder more people are choosing to stay in Dunkeld as a base for a Grampians adventure.

For those walking the Grampians Peaks Trail, the space offers a variety of services including 24-hour public showers, public toilets, phone charging, a water station, free wi-fi, bag storage (on request) and a space to enjoy warm hospitality while you await your pick-up or departure shuttles.


