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Cyril Callister Museum - the man who invented Vegemite

Contact Cyril Callister Museum - the man who invented Vegemite

Drop in to this museum that celebrates the life and history of a man who change the way Australia ate. In 1923 Cyril Callister, a food technologist working for Fred Walker in Melbourne, developed a black, salty, delicious yeast extract that we know and love today as Vegemite.

The Cyril Callister Museum finds its home in a former 1950s service station.

The collection includes posters, memorabilia, and old advertisements. Some of the highlights include a WWII Australian Army ration of tinned Vegemite. There are scores of Vegemite jars from the early days depicting the evolution of the shape and colour of Vegemite jars over the course of the 20th century. This is the start of what local volunteers, who wish to celebrate local man Cyril Callister’s achievements, hope to be a permanent museum one day. Ask about the homemade Vegemite treats - Chocolate Vegemite Oreos, Chocolate Vegemite Brownies.

Available for school, seniors or social club group bookings, including a video presentation and morning tea. A do it yourself Vegemite art class is also available.


