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Planning a trip? Please visit our Grampians and Wimmera Mallee tourism websites

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Social Media

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism is a big advocate of using social media as a tool to communicate and engage with visitors and our stakeholders to further increase awareness and promotion of our world class regions.

We have official accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

In the unfortunate case of an emergency such as bushfires or floods, we use our social media platforms to communicate with people and share the latest information available. We will also share information and link maps and updates when possible from our stakeholders.

We monitor social media sites and social networks to allow us to keep up to date with the best way to promote and market the Grampians Wimmera Mallee Regions.

We have policies that govern the way we use social media. Please ensure you use social media responsibly.

We would like to encourage the use of social media as part of the marketing of your business. We would also encourage you to share and embed resources we provide into your own social media marketing and website.

Our key Instagram hashtags include #visitwimmeramallee #wimmeramalleeadventure #grampians and #thegrampiansway

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